Wanneer je je inschrijft bij 4exchange zullen we je vragen een motivatiebrief te schrijven (in het Engels). Deze brief zullen wij, als onderdeel van je portfolio, naar potentiele stagebedrijven sturen om je daar voor te stellen. Onderstaande handleiding kan je helpen deze motivatiebrief te schrijven.
- Mention who you are
- What you are studying
- Where you are studying
- When you would like to start your internship
- How many months are you looking to do an internship for
Study information
- Explain what your study is about
- What skills and qualities are you gaining from your studies
- Give examples of what problems you are able to solve
Do not hesitate to go into detail in this paragraph. It is important to know that most European studies are not the same in South Africa and the titles are quite different. You should explain clearly what your study entails, what it covers and why you would be an interesting candidate for a company.
- Give some examples of the assignments you have worked on
- Talk about other activities you take part in. It does not have to be relevant to your study, as this will say something about the person you are. ( for example if you have done any volunteer work before or if you coach any sport you can talk about those kind of things in this paragraph. )
Internship request
- Explain what you are looking for in an internship
- Give examples of companies or industries you are interested in
- Explain what kind of tasks and projects you would like to work on
- List the requirements from you University
Qualities and learning goals
- Give information about your unique personal characteristics and qualities
- What makes you a good intern to have at a company
- Sell yourself as a person but also be realistic
Styling and attachments
- Make sure your motivation letter and the attachments ( photo, portfolio of work, CV ) look professional
- If you are a student who has built up a portfolio of work, don’t forget to send it through.